Lviv – Sunday May 26, 2019

The last three days have been the blur of activities we’ve come to know….. long plane rides, little sleep and God moments that we treasure!

Other than white knuckle connections due to delays and a packed airplane with little space to even sleep, we arrived safely. Thank you God.

Sunday is worship day for our team, and we made two beautiful services in two churches we’ve come to know and love.
We felt like family as we renewed many friendships and made new ones as well.

So tomorrow begins our new cycle of teaching HR and getting to know new business students. We have a number of afterclass activities scheduled, so it will be a full week of being God’s hands and feet in
Lviv. We will also be visiting the seminary and enjoying an outing on Saturday, hosted by our local team and former students at a nearby family park. Below are pictures of our Pastor Dima (Hosanna Church) and his family, and our team leaders speaking to the churches. Stay tuned…….

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