Ken, Perry, and Scott to Lviv January 2024

Sunday, Jan 21: Calvary 5th Graders pray for the team.

Monday, Jan 22 Team leaves from Sechrist Building

Perry is ready for an international flight at Logan Airport in Boston.
Snow on the ground as we land in Krakow.

Tuesday, Jan 23: Krakow

Safe and sound in Krakow with all our luggage, full bellies (a delicious meal in Market Square), and warm beds. Head for L’viv tomorrow, which is about a 4-hour drive plus border crossing.

Wednesday, Jan 24: Border Crossing

Almost the entire day – 6 hours – was spent driving to L’viv from Krakow. Pictures crossing the border! Then, we went to Ukraine, home of the Big Mac. Snow and ice were everywhere – 12 inches or more off the road – with sidewalks covered mostly.
Picture of Miraslav (sp?), our driver, and his son at the hotel. Then dinner at the Daily Dose with Andriy.

Thursday, Jan 25: Day in Lviv

Just had a wonderful day with Igor and Ira, dear friends from UBTS. First, we visited the Seminary, including viewing the new construction of dormitories. Seminary is wonderful!! We visited with many students, and Scott even played some ping pong with the guys. Then, we visited three WeCare Center facilities in L’viv. The last a day center for children, mostly orphans. Fun to play with them and visit!! Will leave early tomorrow for Ivano-Frankivsk WCC with Igor and Ira. 2 and 1/2 hour drive south of L’viv. We will meet personnel and receive a presentation from the director. Long day!!

Friday, Jan 26 Day trip to Ivano-Frankivsk

Wonderful and insightful day at the Filter Volunteer Center in Ivano-Frankivsk, where coffee is free and donations for the ministry are accepted. Delicious!!! Many touch points are used to share the gospel with guests of all ages, including educational activities, board games, Bible studies, trauma counseling in private, workspace for those wanting such, and good ol’ conversation often prompted by written messages on the walls. The team that shared with us was delightful and informative, led by Vicka and Olena (5 total).

Saturday, Jan 27: A Day in Lviv

We began the day looking at several sites within L’viv that were previously struck by missiles or drones. The first site led to 10 deaths, while the second had only one.

End of another long day. Two church services at two different churches tomorrow.

Sunday, Jan 28: Church with Friends

Began the day of worship with a trip to Vynnyky to attend Word of Hope Church. A plant of Grapevine Church in L’viv.

Next stop at Grapevine Church in the afternoon.

Concluded the day with a wonderful dinner at Andriy and Svetlana’s home.

Closed out the day with a FaceTime chat with our loved ones in WS!

Monday, Jan 29: UBTS

A fun-filled day at UBTS. We joined the student assembly in the new and beautiful chapel with Slavik Pyzh. Perry, Ken, and Scott each spoke words of care and encouragement briefly to the students.

Disciples Church

Nadia and Slavik at dinner.
Pastor Anton and Kanoot acknowledged our offering to his new church plant.

Tuesday, Jan 30: We Care Center visit

Day spent in Boryslav, the original home of UBTS. City of about 40,000 plus now enlarged by refugees. Beautiful statue of Jesus on route!

Wednesday, Jan 31: Hedding Home

Have spent almost all day in the car with a 3 1/2 hour border crossing. Will rest in the hotel but must check in for our flight tomorrow at 4:00 am. HOME tomorrow night!!!!?

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